CARE AND LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 25 reflecting educational disruption and comparatively low attainment at key stage transitions Recommendations Introduce a care experienced and estranged Student Premium scheme, offering institutions grant funding for each enrolled student. Funding Reform Student Finance England to reflect the needs of care experienced and estranged students, including providing additional non-repayable grants, and extending student finance to cover the full 52 weeks of the year. Support the development of evidence-led good practice, including by i) expanding the relevant data published by HESA in England including an estrangement flag; ii) requiring Data institutions to include care experience/estrangement in their APPs and ultimately to work towards the NNECL Quality Mark to access funding; iii) commissioning long term tracking of outcomes for institutions participating in schemes like the Quality Mark. Introduce ring-fenced funding for tutoring of care experienced pupils in years 1 to 11. Prioritise care experienced pupils for a minimum level of personalised careers support in schools. Access High tariff universities, supported by the Department for Education, should develop a targeted support programme for the top performing care leavers at GCSE level, supporting them in years 12 and 13 in the lead up to university application season. Introduce a Guaranteed Offer Scheme for care experienced and estranged pupils. Encourage universities to sign up to the Care Leaver Covenant, ahead of consideration of giving them corporate parenting responsibilities. Responsibility Standardise local authority support and extend support through to graduation for those care leavers that enrol aged 25 or under. 11

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