CARE AND LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION ENDNOTES 1 Josh MacAlister, ‘The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care: Final Report’ (Department for Education, May 2022), of-childrens-social-care-Final-report.pdf. 2 APPG for Care-Experienced Children and Young People, ‘Inquiry on extending corporate parenting responsibilities across the public sector: Final report’, March 2024, Final-Report.pdf 3 Labour, ‘Breaking down the Barriers to Opportunity’, July 2023, content/uploads/2023/07/Mission-breaking-down-barriers.pdf. 4 Fiona Duncan, ‘The Promise’ (Independent Care Review, February 2020), 5 Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, ‘Corporate Parenting’, Scottish Government, accessed 30 August 2024, parenting/. 6 Dame Ruth Silver, ‘A Blueprint for Fairness: The Final Report of the Commission on Widening Access’ (Scottish Government, March 2016), report/2016/03/blueprint-fairness-final-report-commission-widening- access/documents/00496619-pdf/00496619-pdf/govscot%3Adocument/00496619.pdf. 7 Who Cares? Scotland, Scottish Funding Council, and Universities Scotland, ‘Scotland’s Universities’ Guaranteed Offer: A Guide for Care Experienced Students’, July 2022, RM.pdf. 8 Student Awards Agency Scotland, ‘Support for Care Experienced Students’, accessed 30 August 2024, students/bursary. 9 Welsh Government, ‘Basic Income Pilot for Care Leavers: Overview of the Scheme | GOV.WALES’, 15 February 2023, overview-scheme. 10 Ruth Mosalski, ‘Wales Won’t Keep Giving Care Leavers £1,600 a Month in Basic Income Trial’, Wales Online (blog), 27 October 2023, 11 Office for Students, ‘Care Experienced Students’, accessed 2 September 2024, opportunity-risk-register/student-characteristics/care-experienced-students/; Office for Students, ‘Consistency Needed: Care Experienced Students and Higher Education’, Insight 8, 9 April 2021, finalforweb.pdf. 12 Office for Students, ‘Consistency Needed: Care Experienced Students and Higher Education’. 13 MacAlister, ‘The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care: Final Report’. 14 Office for Students, ‘Care Experienced Students’. 15 Office for Students, ‘Consistency Needed: Care Experienced Students and Higher Education’. 67

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