Improving the Transition to Higher Education | 2024 Internal Moreover, it opens up opportunities for students themselves to be more active in their development by encouraging the ongoing use of personal development planning, as illustrated in Case Study 5. Case Study 5: London South Bank University: Personal Development Plans London South Bank University (LSBU) has introduced a personal development plan designed to help students take a proactive approach to their academic success and to share holistic information about their support needs and circumstances. The PDP is an interactive platform that provides embedded signposting, with a specific focus on students from underrepresented backgrounds who may lack confidence, awareness or permission to access academic and support services. Students9 responses to the PDP questions actively link them with the wide range of services and support available and provide deep understanding of student need, progress and the impact of university interventions. Completion of the PDP is a valuable and important educational activity in its own right, encouraging students to reflect on their own development needs and track their progress over time. The initiative is associated with an 8.8% higher continuation rate from Level 4 to Level 5 between the 21/22 and 22/23 academic years. In the first half of the 23/24 academic year, the PDP tool identified 414 students declaring an undisclosed disability and 616 students reporting experiences of care or estrangement. If students choose, the contents of the PDP can be shared with personal tutors as well as support services, offering an opportunity for students to be understood by their higher education provider in a more personalised way which complements standard data categories. This provides a better sense of what a student actually needs at any point in time, and supports a move from a reactive to a proactive student support model. Moreover, it yields valuable insights on the student body as a whole, allowing services to keep pace with rapidly changing needs. 18

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