Living Black at University Commission Report 2022/23 Living Black at University Commission Report 2022/23 1.3 1.4 RECOMMENDATION 4 RECOMMENDATION 6 Accommodation providers should con昀椀rm a commitment to tackling racism, both Universities and accommodation providers should work together to create in their internal policies and in their student behavioural agreement or charter. intentionally diverse and inclusive student accommodation. Identi昀椀ed issues Self-assessment questions Identi昀椀ed issues Good practice tips • References to DEI are sparse in wider university Does your university or accommodation provider • Allocation processes can lead to students being Rebecca O’Hare, Interim Deputy Director of Residential policies, including behavioural agreements have a student behavioural agreement or charter inadvertently segregated in accommodation Services at the University of Leeds: • Some students may not be experienced in, or in place that students are required to commit to? blocks, due to factors like budget and time • Develop accommodation allocation policies open to, living in a diverse environment with Does your charter outline expectations for student of booking – this can create a sense of Black which work to ensure Black students are not students from di昀昀erent backgrounds, which behaviour around diversity and inclusion? students being othered segregated into particular buildings or 昀氀ats, can cause issues for minoritised students How are students held accountable if they fail • Students who are ill-equipped or unprepared to whether intentionally or unintentionally. While to meet these expectations? live in a diverse environment may compromise it is encouraged to allocate Black students with Commission actions the safety and/or wellbeing of Black students, at least one other Black student, 昀氀at allocations whether intentionally or unintentionally where possible should be as diverse as possible • Create a best practice guide for student • Students from diverse ethnic backgrounds may and provide students with the opportunity behavioural agreements that set out expectations feel isolated by a lack of representation of their to meet and mix with others from many around inclusivity, featuring examples of good cultural or religious celebrations, particularly backgrounds and cultures practice already in place across the sector international students who cannot celebrate • Where universities are working in partnership important cultural events with their families with private accommodation providers, include Good practice tips minimum race or multicultural competency training requirements for student facing sta昀昀 Melissa Browne, Deputy Director of Commercial Services Self-assessment questions members in service level agreements (SLAs). and Estates at University of Kent, and Rebecca O’Hare, Does your allocation data suggest that students Records of this training should be stored safely Interim Deputy Director of Residential Services of the same ethnicity are being segregated within with refresher training delivered every two years, at the University of Leeds: your accommodation? and training should be undertaken as part of the • Include commitments in the charter that induction plan for new sta昀昀 members encourage students to both respect and be Have you reviewed your allocation processes and/ or policies to explore whether they unintentionally • Residence Life teams should seek to identify an active part of a diverse student community segregate students by race or ethnicity? and celebrate a broader range of inclusive • Promote the charter through pre-arrival events which are relevant to the demographic communications, induction programmes and Do you work collaboratively with private sector of students living in your residence welcome packs, any university or accommodation accommodation providers to ensure that apps and websites, and on social media students have opportunities to mix with a diverse range of people within accommodation • Reference the charter during any conversations about conduct and, if necessary, during disciplinary meetings 16 17

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