Planning for living costs We asked applicants how they expect to cover the majority of their living Figure 3: How do you expect to cover the majority of costs while at university. A third intend your living costs while at university? to draw on maintenance loans or grants, and about a quarter (24%) plan to depend on family for the majority Maintenance loan or grant of their costs. The 17% who said they THEMATIC ANALYSIS FINANCE 33% would use income from employment mostly (though not entirely) intend to Family support live in their own or parents’ home. Female applicants are more likely to 24% anticipate relying on maintenance loans Income from employment whereas male applicants are more likely to anticipate drawing on family support 17% and scholarships. As might be expected, international applicants are much more Scholarship/studentship likely to use family financial support and 9% scholarships, though 9% still expect to draw on student loans or grants. This Bank loan or overdraft may indicate that they or their families are taking out loans in their home 7% country to support them to attend a UK university. Income from apprenticeship 6% Other / Don’t know 4% Unite Students | Applicant Index Report 15

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