Resilience This year’s applicants are slightly less confident in their Down 1 from 2023 self-efficacy skills compared to last year. They are less likely to agree that they always meet deadlines (67% v The Resilience score measures the ability of applicants to plan and 71% in 2023). They are also less persistent in the face 65work effectively towards goals and of failure – this year 34% agree that if they do badly at to bounce back after a setback. something they don’t like to try again, compared to 32% in 2023. International applicants – and especially those from China – score themselves significantly higher in each of these areas except the fourth: they are less likely Figure 15: Breakdown of responses to Resilience theme ques琀椀ons to try again after failure. I am willing to take on short term discomfort for long term gain Lower scores in the first three areas are seen among applicants who may be 4% 6% 17% 29% 44% marginalised: those who are LGBTQ+, and those with disabilities and health conditions. Care experienced applicants are less likely to take on discomfort for long term gain, or to have a clear idea of their goals. I have a clear idea of my goals There are few differences between socioeconomic groups, but applicants from group A are significantly clearer about their goals. 6% 9% 17% 26% 42% I always meet deadlines 7% 9% 17% 26% 41% *If I do badly at something, I don’t like to try again 24% 20% 21% 17% 18% Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Neutral Moderately agree Strongly agree *For this question, agreement indicates a negative response; the score for this question was reversed when calculating the index score Unite Students | Applicant Index Report 27