Introducing the Themes The Finance theme brings Social theme measures Community theme Wellbeing theme Resilience theme draws The The The The together self-rated financial the strength of existing social measures the level of draws on the ONS standard on previous academic research means with confidence in networks together with level motivation among applicants wellbeing questions combined on resilience including the budgeting skills to provide an of confidence about “fitting in” to be part of a community with levels of positive and concepts of ‘grit’ and ‘learned overall financial health check at university. A high score in while at university, and their negative feelings that we have optimism’. A high score in this on the whole cohort. A high this theme indicates a cohort desire to belong. A high score found in previous surveys theme shows a cohort able score indicates that applicants with high social confidence in this theme also indicates a to be indicative of overall to work effectively towards believe they have sufficient together with confidence cohort that wants to belong wellbeing. These scores are clear goals and recover from means and skills to meet their in the university - and to a diverse group of peers combined to gauge applicants’ setbacks. costs while at university, and accommodation provider and is prepared to contribute level of wellbeing and allow for a demographic breakdown where relevant - to provide to building that community. demographic breakdown to may reveal disadvantaged an inclusive environment. Changes in the theme indicate help identify vulnerable groups. subgroups within the cohort. a rise or fall in the community- A high score indicates a cohort orientation of each cohort. with high levels of wellbeing. The The The The Learning theme Employment theme Independence theme, Sustainability theme assesses academic confidence assesses the level of optimism introduced in 2023, measures combines the strength of and commitment to the chosen about finding a graduate how prepared the cohort is concern about climate change course. A high score in this job together with self-rated to live independently, take with behaviours and personal theme indicates a cohort that level of work-related skills decisions for themselves and commitments to addressing feels academically prepared and experience. A high score access support when needed. environmental sustainability and confident about their indicates a cohort that is and climate change. A high learning. already feeling prepared score indicates a cohort who for the future job market is highly concerned about and confident about their climate change and is already prospects. taking action. Unite Students | Applicant Index Report 11

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