Employment The employment theme score has increased by two Up 2 from 2023 points this year, partly due to increased confidence, The Employment score measures however there are demographic differences across applicants’ confidence in their these scores. graduate employment prospects 64together with their employability This year, 40% strongly agree that they When it comes to getting the job they skills and experience. are confident about getting the job they want after graduation, those who have want, compared with 34% last year. This done paid work have a similar level of may be driven by better opportunities confidence than those who have not, for work experience among this cohort. even though they agree more strongly This year’s applicants have higher levels with the other three statements in this of perceived work experience (52% v theme. Figure 17: Breakdown of responses to Employment theme ques琀椀ons 47% in 2023) and are slightly more likely I am confident about getting the job I want after graduation to have taken on paid work (70% v 68%). Against each of the statements, male applicants scored themselves higher 7% 10% 21% 23% 40% International applicants score notably than female applicants did. higher across all questions than UK applicants. Among UK applicants, those I have skills and experience that employers want from AB socioeconomic groups are the most confident in their job prospects. 6% 8% 20% 26% 39% I already have a lot of work experience 14% 14% 19% 21% 31% I have taken part in activities to develop my skills for employment 6% 10% 18% 27% 39% Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Neutral Moderately agree Strongly agree Unite Students | Applicant Index Report 32

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