Alternatives to university We asked applicants to traditional university courses whether they had seriously considered other options when applying to university. Just over a quarter (28%) have not considered other alternatives; 36% had considered a degree apprenticeship and a quarter considered a full-time job. Those planning to live at home are significantly more likely to consider a degree apprenticeship than those planning to move away. Care leavers are more likely to consider taking a full-time job as an alternative. Figure 23: When applying for university did you seriously consider any of the following op琀椀ons as an alterna琀椀ve? 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Degree appren琀椀ceship 36% Taking a full-琀椀me job 25% Other type of appren琀椀ceship 21% or work-related training Other type of full-琀椀me educa琀椀on 17% None of the above 28% Unite Students | Applicant Index Report 38

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