Living Black at University Commission Report 2022/23 Living Black at University Commission Report 2022/23 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS COMPLETED Run a 1-day conference to bring together DEI leads and accommodation leaders, Write to Professor Edward Peck, the Department for Education’s 昀椀rst Higher Education to showcase actions and to deliver training. Student Support Champion, to highlight the need for inclusive practice and cultural (Recommendation 1) competence within student support services. (Recommendation 7) More than 100 delegates attended the 昀椀rst Living Black at University Conference, held in Newcastle in March 2023 and featuring presentations, DEI training and a Q&A session WATCH HERE This area is being explored further by Professor Peck’s team. with a student panel. Following the success of the 昀椀rst conference, a second conference will take place in 2024. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Data Maturity Framework Pilot a Black services guide resource for incoming Black students, and share CULTURAL SERVICES TOOLKIT Create and share an DEI data maturity framework. EQUALITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION DATA MATURITY FRAMEWORK A guide to supporting acclimatisation and belonging A change model for Higher Education Institutions the template with the sector as part of a toolkit. (Recommendation 9) by Dr Nick Cartwright (Recommendation 2) The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Data Maturity Framework was created to help To address the much-discussed 昀椀nding that a lack of culturally relevant services universities and accommodation providers address gaps in their ethnicity data – contributed to Black students’ sense of isolation, the Commission committed to piloting which can, in turn, highlight gaps in the experiences of minoritised sta昀昀 and students. a Black services guide so that accommodation teams could easily signpost to services 1 like international supermarkets and Black haircare. Written by Dr Nick Cartwright (Lecturer in Law at the University of Leeds, Senior Advisor DOWNLOAD to the Halpin Partnership and Visiting Fellow in Race Equality and Education at the Centre DOWNLOAD Unite Students and Newcastle University ran the pilot in Newcastle during the 2022/23 for Advancing Race Equality), the framework shows how universities and accommodation academic year. The Newcastle guide was compiled by Jessica Eve and Andrew Nartey, providers can gradually improve how they collect, use and analyse data, in order to who interned with Unite Students through the 10,000 Black Interns programme. Student support a more inclusive environment. feedback was resoundingly positive when the guide was launched in October 2022. Based on a simple model to show progressive data maturity practices, the framework For the 2023/24 academic year, Unite Students has rolled out a full includes practical examples across both the sta昀昀 and student journey. Black services directory to cover all 23 of their cities, with the information being compiled by the 2023 intern cohort. A toolkit to support the wider sector in creating these guides was launched at the Living Research Toolkit Create a toolkit pack that enables universities to replicate the Living Black at University RESEARCH TOOLKIT Using research to improve Black students’ Black at University Conference, and has already been used by the University of Kent and accommodation experience the University of Leeds to support their 2023/24 student intake. research with their own students. (Recommendation 9) The Halpin research team collaborated with the Commission conveners to create a toolkit for HE institutions and accommodation providers who want to replicate the research with their own students. 1 DOWNLOAD 8 9

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