Living Black at University Commission Report 2022/23 Living Black at University Commission Report 2022/23 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS IN PROGRESS Update National Codes to re昀氀ect the recommendations of the Living Black at University Meet with Global Student Living to explore the possibility of including diversity research. and inclusion data, questions and awards in the Global Student Living Index. (Recommendations 3 & 8) (Recommendation 9) The National Codes have committed to undertake actions including: Each year, the Global Student Living Index surveys more than 100,000 students across • Adding an anti-Black racism learning module to the National Codes online training course 15 countries about their experience within their accommodation, and the Commission believed that this data set could o昀昀er further insights into the experience of Black • Providing guidance for members on accessing relevant and meaningful DEI training that is students in their accommodation over time. speci昀椀c within an HE context During a meeting between Global Student Living (GSL) and several Commissioners, the • Providing training for sta昀昀 on receiving sensitive complaints GSL team committed to collect ethnicity data starting in their Q2 2023 survey. However, a major challenge was that standardised UK ethnicity questions would not work across • Providing information on appropriate support services for students concerned about all markets. racism and other forms of discrimination, and additional information on the National Code complaints process. To better understand the ways in which people identi昀椀ed their ethnicity across all markets, respondents were asked whether they considered themselves to be part of an ethnic minority and given the option to self-describe their ethnicity in a free-text format. This gives universities and accommodation providers the opportunity to break down the Create a best practice guide for student behavioural agreements that set out survey 昀椀ndings by ethnicity and identify speci昀椀c areas of concern. expectations around inclusivity, featuring examples of good practice already in place across the sector. (Recommendation 4) So far, we have undertaken a review of student behavioural agreements in the sector to establish best practice. Create a toolkit about supporting Black students’ mental health. (Recommendation 7) Create a student guide on making complaints to the O昀케ce of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education. (Recommendation 8) These resources are scheduled for publication in 2024. 10 11

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